Property advice from the experts
Founder of Devon Law, Jenny Jones gives us the low-down on buying and selling properties.
Deciding to up sticks and move can be really exciting, but understanding the nuances that go on behind the scenes when selling a property sometimes becomes a bit of a minefield. We get the low-down on all things property related from Jenny Jones, founder of Devon law.
“At Devon Law, we don’t just do the legal work, we also provide a real helping hand to guide you through the whole buying and selling process.”
Imagine this scenario: your house is decorated, it’s tidied and cleaned to within an inch of it’s life, so now all you need to do is put it on the market. But are you really ready to sell? Jenny tells us: “More often than not, sellers don’t prepare their house to the demands of what buyers actually want.”
At Devon Law the team advise clients to contact them before putting their house on the market to save time, money and to help secure the deal from the beginning. A key factor in determining whether a buyer is going to purchase your house or not doesn’t just rely on how manicured your lawn is, it also hinges on whether or not you’ve sorted out your paperwork.
Jenny provides us with an example of the types of stumbling blocks that can hinder you when selling. She tells us: “If you have a septic tank, make sure that you get it emptied and serviced before you put the house on the market, so that when a buyer asks you about it, you can show them recent paperwork to make them feel confident that it’s in working order.” As Jenny highlights, it’s often the hidden aspects of your property such as what goes on underground, which can actually be the selling point when it comes down to it.
There are so many other aspects to selling a property that are just as important to consider as the superficial look of your home when it goes on the market. Jenny tells us: “At Devon Law, we don’t just do the legal work, we also provide a real helping hand to guide you through the whole buying and selling process.” So get in touch today and let Devon Law help you avoid the stumbling blocks that can arise when selling your property.
Modbury House,
New Mills Business Park,
Modbury PL21 0TP
01548 831514
“At Devon Law, we don’t just do the legal work, we also provide a real helping hand to guide you through the whole buying and selling process.”